Business name generator

Generate creative company names + check available domains

Find a brandable business name in minutes


Name ideas

Enter your keywords in the tool to generate unique business name ideas. To get the best ideas, enter highly specific words. Whether you are looking for a company name, a blog, or a startup our generator will help with the process.

Search results

Browse the search results conveniently divided into sections. The business name ideas most relevant to your keyword come up first. Take your time to explore word variations.

Private & Secure

Enjoy a private and encrypted connection to the site. Your data will remain safe. We only collect usage data to improve the quality of our service.

Domains check

Our business name generator tool also checks for available domains relevant to business name ideas. Find the most desirable extension and check its availability.

How to name your new business or company?



Our tool uses word vectors and custom dictionaries to brainstorm for you. All you have to do is enter the desired keyword, and it will return hundreds of business name ideas to go through.

List your ideas

Make a list of the most desirable business names. Remove the ones that are hard to pronounce, spell, and remember. Stick with memorable names that sound powerful and are easy to brand.

Get feedback

Ask people in your business circles, potential customers/clients, and people in the same vertical for feedback. It will help you narrow down your list and choose the best possible company name.

Final review

Check local company registry, domain availability, and social media handles to ensure that your name is free for grabs.

Naming your business: FAQs

How does our business name generator work?

How do I pick a good business name?

How do I name my small business?

What is a catchy name?

How do I choose a catchy name for a Startup?

How to check if a business name is taken?

Can I use the same business name if it’s already taken?

How do I check if a domain is available?

Which is the best domain extension?

What is a domain name?

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