The blog is the backbone of the modern website. If you’re a beginner blogger and want to learn to blog you’re in the right place. In this section, you will find useful articles on how to start a blog and become a successful blogger.
How quickly Google indexes your blog posts depends on the search engine’s crawl rate. This rate refers to the time Google bots need to crawl posts in your blog. The higher the rate, the faster the bots will index your posts. However, you can take some action to ensure Google indexes your posts faster and […] Read the full story
In recent years, blogging has become a popular way for individuals and businesses to share their thoughts, ideas, and stories online. Two popular platforms for blogging are WordPress and Substack. Let’s take a closer look at what these two platforms have to offer and learn how they compare. That way, you can choose the one […] Read the full story
Blogging is all about expressing yourself. It’s about sharing your unique insights and understandings of the world, business, marketing, behaviors, and everything in between in your own words. However, it’s often challenging to start expressing yourself, so it’s always a good idea to have a blogging role model to look up to. James Clear is […] Read the full story
Blogging has become one of the most popular forms of communication and self-expression in today’s digital age. With the rise of platforms such as Showit and many others, creating and publishing blog posts has never been easier. Below, we’ll take a closer look at how to blog with Showit, so make sure to check it […] Read the full story
The internet houses over 600 million blogs, so standing out can be challenging. A unique style and voice can help, among other factors, but how can you develop them? You can find inspiration in top-performing blogs like Thought Catalog and its many competitors. What is Thought Catalog? Thought Catalog is an online magazine focusing on […] Read the full story
Blogging isn’t just a simple matter of writing essays and informative articles, hoping that someone someday would come across your website. If you want to attract attention and increase your website traffic, you must get serious about blogging. That means researching your target audience, creating content that intrigues them, and, perhaps most importantly, developing a […] Read the full story
Knowing how to import blog posts into WordPress can be really useful, especially if you have recently started using WordPress or are planning to do that soon. However, before you begin importing your blog content, there are a few things you need to do. Finally, choose an import method. You can learn more about the […] Read the full story
You may be familiar with Squarespace already since it’s one of the most popular website builders currently. With the help of Squarespace’s tools, you can easily create professional-looking websites. However, this toolset isn’t helpful for just building a website design – you can upgrade your SEO by posting blogs or other content through Squarespace. If […] Read the full story
Shopify is one of the most popular platforms today. It’s used for many reasons, but most people use Shopify to build their websites quickly and efficiently while avoiding spending vast amounts of money. Even though this is one of the best website-building sites and offers many benefits, some issues might happen. You’re probably looking for […] Read the full story
Not receiving emails, missing specific messages, or being unable to access your Gmail business account or send emails can be frustrating. These problems are more common than you think and arise for many reasons. The good news is that fixing them is straightforward. Top 5 reasons for Google-hosted email not working You’d think that setting […] Read the full story
Choosing between blogging and vlogging comes down to your preferences. Starting a blog is a no-brainer if you love writing and are a subject matter expert. A vlog is perfect if you’re a visual storyteller who loves being on camera and engaging people on a deeper, more personal level. However, opting for one becomes challenging […] Read the full story
Creating an online store on Shopify and running it from the comfort of your home is an excellent business idea. Adding a blog is even better as you can connect with your readers, often turning them into customers and driving them to your store. Stick with us as we review the steps of adding a […] Read the full story
Blogs, vlogs, and podcasts are all great mediums for content creation, and each has its unique features that you can take advantage of. You must choose the right medium based on the type of content you want to create, your audience, and your personal style. Consistent updates are crucial if you want to stay relevant […] Read the full story
If we’ve learned anything in the past couple of years, it’s that working from home is possible – and, in many instances, preferable. No one wants to commute to work, spend eight hours at the office, waste time returning home, and go straight to bed. Considering just how many opportunities you have to make money […] Read the full story
A blog’s logo is an essential brand element. A quality logo can tell people what your blog is about and make it more memorable so that they can come back again until they’re fully engaged with your blog. If you want to refresh your blog, it’s good to redesign your logo. Here’s how you can […] Read the full story
Blogs and podcasts are viral mediums people like consuming. This makes them perfect for creative types looking to build their expertise in specific subjects, promotion, networking, etc. But which one is a better option? Blog vs podcast: comparison table Here’s a brief overview of some of the greatest differences between blogs and podcasts: Blog Podcast […] Read the full story
Although people sometimes deal with the problem of blogs not showing up on WordPress, it’s an easy fix and shouldn’t discourage you from starting a blog. It can be frustrating, but the solutions can be simple. We’re not saying you didn’t add content to WordPress correctly, but slip-ups sometimes happen, and it’s the first thing […] Read the full story
Did you know there are over 40,000 Google searches every second? Most internet users can’t comprehend the sheer size of Google and its impact on our everyday lives, even though most of us exclusively use Google Search. Over 90% of internet searches are done with Google Search. Understanding Google and how it works can bring […] Read the full story
One of the final stages of starting a new business or launching a side business operation is to obtain an Employer Identification Number. While this step appears overly complex to some entrepreneurs, it’s essential to complete it, especially if it is mandatory in your state. The best way to stay motivated to learn how to […] Read the full story
Keeping your business available to your customers at all times is one of the key ingredients to success. Your customers need to be able to reach you whenever they need and however they want – the focus being on the latter. While it’s true that many prefer reaching out to businesses and solving issues via […] Read the full story